Pizon and Kool G Rap – Bring Rawkus Back


Rawkus 50 alumnus Pizon enlists fellow alum, the legendary Kool G Rap, to reminisce about the days of Rawkus Records on “Bring Rawkus Back.”

From the press release:
“Bring Rawkus Back” recounts the story of Rawkus Records, the label that played a pivotal role in reshaping the music industry by nurturing talents that bridged the gap between mainstream and underground rap. The song vividly captures the label’s history, including the moment when it passed on signing Kanye West, who later fused the Rawkus-inspired sound with Def Jam’s resources to help redefine Hip Hop.

Pizon, a former Rawkus artist himself, expresses his reverence for the label’s legacy, suggesting the current era can use some of that flavor. Kool G Rap, who was also signed to the label, assures Pizon and listeners that the essence lives on, delivering his signature lyricism on the boom bap track.

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